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Mystery Friends: TJ Perkins


TJ & Her Cats!
TJ & Her Cats!

If you love cozies, then you'll love meeting my author friends! This month I'm excited to introduce you to TJ Perkins, author of Fantasies Are Murder (Book 1 in the Kim & Kelly Mystery series)

Fantasties Are Murder by TJ Perkins
Fantasties Are Murder by TJ Perkins

Best friends Kim and Kelly love mysteries and it shows: just look at their favorite fictional detectives like Hercule Poirot and Sherlock Holmes. But a weekend with their parents at a peculiar resort which specializes in staging murder mysteries for the guests to solve takes a turn for the worse when the girls discover an actual murder has occurred.

Who are the actors in the staged murder and who is the real killer? Why do some of the faces look so familiar? How does this tie in with the strange couple seen snooping around Kim's neighbor's house earlier this week?

With their sights set on solving the case, Kim and Kelly place themselves in real danger as they draw closer to the truth. Now they have three days to solve the murder, or become victims themselves. Check it Out on Amazon! (Note: links may be affiliate links)

About TJ

When not out solving mysteries, or cleaning body parts from the wood chipper, TJ is secreted away in her lab writing more stories for kids and adults. Of her sixteen published books, several are award-winners, and the effects of the alien abduction has not kept her from writing a ton of fantasy and science fiction short stories that have been published in many anthologies.

Tell us the name of your main characters. If you had to describe them in only three words, what would they be? I have two main characters: Kim & Kelly: Smart, Curious, Chaos

Is there something your protagonist can't live without? What and why?

Kim: excitement. She gets bored quickly

Who would play your character in the tv/movie version of your book?

Marsai Martin to play Kim and Aliyah Mastin to play Kelly

If your sleuth was giving a tour of your town/setting, where would they take the reader to first?

The library

Any other fun things you want to share about your book?

An all new type of Nancy Drew, Kim & Kelly will take you on a suspense ride that will keep you turning the pages. Each book is told in either the voice of Kim or Kelly and you won't know who is telling the story until you start reading.

Now let's find out a little bit about you! Who or what first inspired you to write mysteries?

Agatha Christie

Rapid fire questions!

Tea, coffee, or something else? Tea

Cats, dogs, or another animal? Cats

Dream vacation spot? Fiji

Favorite book? (besides your own, of course!) The Three Musketeers

Favorite time to write: morning, afternoon, nighttime? Evening

A random fact about you that might surprise readers?  I'm a Holistic Nutrition Coach and Lifestyle Coach

Lastly, where can readers connect with you?


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